The story of these photos was always special. I traveled with Jose’s family to Patagonia in late January. It was such a breathtaking landscape; I went crazy. I had never seen anything like it. Not only the stark vegetation, but the sky, Lake Argentina, the wildlife, the quaint little town of El Calafate. Wherever I looked, there seemed to be a “once-in-a-lifetime” something, right in front of me. I took what seemed to be a million photos, and then I got back home and the anxiety of making selects got the best of me. I postponed it until about two weeks ago, when I finally felt so guilty that I sat down and forced myself to edit my photos. Then, a few days ago, I dropped my external hard drive and (for now) lost ALL of my raw files. THANK GOD I had just uploaded these images a few days before that incident because, again, it was such a special trip. I would have never forgiven myself had I lost all these images. Now they have taken on an even greater value. Alas, they don’t do Patagonia justice—just goes to show you, ain’t nothing like real life. All I can say is, if you ever get the chance to go, do it. This is coming from me: the city girl. It’s worth the haul, the data back-up and the 5 hour edit, but most of all, the memories. More posts soon.
Traveling To Patagonia, Part 1: El Calafate
June 22, 2017
IN Travel

A bright blue sky and Lake Argentina in the distance contrasts with the stark Patagonia vegetation consisting mostly of Mata Negra bushes.

Landing in El Calafate felt like landing on the moon. From the first moment I set my eyes on that landscape, I was in awe.

Our hotel, the Design Suites, in El Calafate.

The earth seems barren in Patagonia, but there are actually very specific plants that thrive in this extreme South American climate.

Ovejitas de la Patagonia serves the most decadent and delicious ice cream. The Patagonian Chocolate flavor is a must.